Upcoming Events

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  • ASIM 2024 - 27. Symposium Simulation Technique
    September 4. - 6. 2024
    Conference Website

Past Events

  • ASIM STS/GMMS & EDU Workshop 2023
    University of Magdeburg
    July 6. - 7.
    Conference Website
  • ASIM 2022 26. Symposium Simulationstechnik
    July 25. - 27. 2022
    Conference Website
  • ANNSIM 2021 - Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference
    George Mason University, Virginia, USA
    virtual event
    July 19. - 21. 2021
    Conference Website
  • ASIM STS/GMMS & EDU Workshop 2021
    virtual event, March 11. - 12. 2021
    Workshop Website
  • ASIM 2020 25. Symposium Simulationstechnik
    virtual event, October 14. - 15. 2020
  • MOD4SIM Symposium, Part of SpringSim 2020
    George Mason University, Virginia, USA, May 19. - 21. 2020
    Symposium Website
  • Schweriner Wissenschaftswoche - Künstliche Intelligenz
    Schwerin, November 14.2019
    Thema: Digitale Innovation aus Wismar - ein Projektbeispiel:
    Johanna Ender und Georg Kunert
    Anwendungen von Künstlicher Intelligenz an industriellen

  • Digitalkonferenz NOERD MV
    Wismar, November 7. 2019
    Thorsten Pawletta und Peter Dünow
    Session "Smart Industries"
    Simulation, Machine Learning und Robotic
  • ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2019
    Braunschweig, February 21. - 22. 2019
    Workshop Website
  • ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2018
    Heilbronn, March 08. - 09. 2018
    Workshop Website
  • AUTSYM 2017
    8th International Symposium on AUTOMATIC CONTROL
    Wismar, September 21. - 22. 2017
    Symposium Website
  • MOD4SIM Symposium, Part of SpringSim 2017 
    Virginia Beach, USA, April 23. - 26. 2017
    Symposium Website
  • Research Meeting PHWT Vechta/Diepholz/Oldenburg & FG CEA
    Peter Junglas
    Wismar, April 04. 2017
  • Research Meeting Centauro GmbH Vienna & FG CEA
    V. Malisa, T. Kommenda
    Wismar, March 20. - 21. 2017
  • ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2017
    Ulm, March 09. - 10. 2017
    Workshop Website
  • Research Meeting Liverpool John Moores Univ. & FG CEA
    I. Jenkinson, C. Matthews
    Wismar, January 24. - 25. 2017
  • EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation
    Oulu, Finland, September 12. - 16. 2016
    Eurosim Website
  • ASIM SST 2016 - 23rd Symposium Simulation Technique
    Dresden, September 07. - 09. 2016
    Symposium Website
  • 2016 Annual Simulation (ANSS'16) Symposium,part of SPRINGSIM' 16
    Pasadena, USA, April 03. - 06. 2016
    SpringSim Website
  • ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2016
    Lippstadt, March 10./11. 2016
    Workshop Website
  • Publishing of the SNE Simulation Notes Europe Special Issue on Simulation of Technical Systems - Methods, Tools & Applications
    Volume 25 Number 2, 2015, Print ISSN 2305-9974, Online ISSN 2306-0271, doi: 10111.28/sne.25.2.1029
    Guest editors:
    Thorsten Pawletta, Research Group CEA, Hochschule Wismar and Heinz-Theo Mammen, Hella Corporate Center GmbH
  • Research Meeting with the Modeling & Simulation Group of Prof. O. Rose, Universität der Bundeswehr München
    Wismar, October 22. - 23. 2015
  • Research Meeting with Prof. P. Junglas, Private Hochschule für W & T Vechta/Diepholz/Oldenburg
    Wismar, October 21. 2015
  • ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2015
    Stralsund, June 18./19. 2015
    Workshop Website
  • Publishing of the SNE Simulation Notes Europe Special Issue on Ontologies in Modelling and Simulation
    Volume 24 Number 2, 2014, Print ISSN 2305-9974, Online ISSN 2306-0271, doi: 10111.28/sne.24.2.1024
    cooperation of Research Group CEA, Hochschule Wismar and Inst. of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Vienna
  • AUTSYM 2014 - 7th International Symposium on AUTOMATIC CONTROL
    Wismar, September 25./26. 2014
  • Summer School «Modelling & Simulation» 2014
    ARGESIM and Inst. of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Vienna
    in cooperation with research group CEA, Hochschule Wismar
    Wismar, September 06. - 10. 2014
  • Coorganizer of
    «ASIM 2014 - 22nd Symposium Simulation Technique»

    Berlin, September 03.- 05. 2014
  • Poster contribution at MATLAB EXPO 2014
    Munich, July 08. 2014
    Poster «Robotic Control & Visualization Toolbox for MATLAB / Simulink» (Birger Freymann)
  • Workshop Tracks
    «Fundamentals and Methods in Modelling and Simulation»
    «Simulation in Control and Robotics»

    at ASIM WS STS/GMMS, Reutlingen, Feb. 20. - 21. 2014
    organized by research group CEA
  • Research Meeting with DLR Braunschweig
    Braunschweig, January 14. - 15. 2014
  • Colloquium - 10 years Research Group CEA
    Hanstorf, October 12. 2012
  • Workshop Track
    «Fundamentals and Methods in Modelling and Simulation»

    at ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2013,
    Duesseldorf, February 28. - March 1. 2013
    organized by research group CEA
  • Publishing of the SNE Simulation Notes Europe Special Issue on Simulation of Traffic Systems - Technical Systems
    Volume 22 Number 2, August 2012, Print ISSN 2305-9974, Online ISSN 2306-0271
    cooperation of Research Group CEA, Hochschule Wismar and Inst. of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Vienna
  • Workshop RG CEA and IASC TU Vienna
    Wismar, June 18. - 20. 2012
    • Fundations and Application of Physical Modelling in Engineering
    • Modelling and Simulation of Energy Efficient Production Systems
    • Research Cooperation
  • Special Session at ASIM Workshop
    Wolfenbüttel, February 23./24. 2012
  • AUTSYM 2011 - 6th International Symposium on AUTOMATIC CONTROL
    Wismar, October 13./14. 2011
  • ASIM Workshops «Modeling, Control and Simulation in Automotive and Process Automation»
    Organized by the CEA group in cooperation with University of Rostock, IAV GmbH Gifhorn
    and ASIM WG Simulation of Technical Systems:
    5th workshop, Wismar, May 19./20. 2011
    4th workshop, Wismar, May 29./30. 2008
    3rd workshop, Wismar, May 18./19. 2006
    2nd workshop, Wismar, Sep. 16./17. 2004
    1st workshop, Wismar, May 08./09. 2003
  • Summer School Simulation 2010
    Hanstorf, September 14. - 22. 2010
    ARGESIM and Inst. of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Vienna in cooperation with research group CEA, Hochschule Wismar
  • Co-Organizers of Special Session at EUROSIM 2010
    «Advanced and Comparative Approaches in Modelling and Simulation»

    Prague, September 09./10. 2010
  • Research Colloquium Niex 2010
    March 18./19. 2010
    IAT, University of Rostock
    Hochschule Lausitz
    Research group CEA, Hochschule Wismar
    schedule (in German)
  • «Simulation in Control & Robotics»
    «Fundamentals and Methods in Modelling and Simulation»

     at ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2010, Ulm, March 4./5. 2010
     organized by research group CEA
  • Guest Stay at Vienna University of Technology
    Vienna, June 15. - 19. 2009
    Presentations on Discrete Modelling and Simulation with Matlab
    Christina Deatcu: Matlab GPSS - Crash Course
    Tobias Schwatinski: Matlab DEVS - System Formalism and Applications
  • «Simulation in Control & Robotics»
    at ASIM Workshop STS/GMMS 2009, Dresden, March 5./6. 2009
    organized by research group CEA
  • Workshop 1-Zylinder Verbrennungsmotor
    September 17. 2008
    Research group CEA, Hochschule Wismar
    IAT, University of Rostock
    IAV GmbH
  • Exhibitor at «Automatica 2008»
    2nd International Trade Fair for Automation and Mechatronics
    Munich, June 10. - 13. 2008
    Rapid Control Prototyping and Task-oriented Programming of Complex Robot Controls
  • Research Colloquium Niex 2008
    March 13./14. 2008
    IAT, University of Rostock
    Research group CEA, Hochschule Wismar
    schedule (in German)
  • Publishing of the SNE Simulation News Europe Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Simulation Methods and Environments
    Volume 16 Number 2, September 2006, ISSN 0929-2268
    cooperation of Research Group CEA, Hochschule Wismar and
    Inst. of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Vienna
  • Student's Workshop on Simulation in Logistics and Environment
    June 30. -July 1. 2006
    Working group simulation (Prof. Dr. Bernd Page), University of Hamburg
    Research group CEA, Hochschule Wismar
    schedule (in German)